Going beyond the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Imagine being diagnosed with ALS, a monstrous neurodegenerative disease with no known cure. A disease that destroys the body and brings certain death within 5 years of diagnosis. And the cruelest part of all — as the body dies, the mind stays perfectly intact. In stark tonal contrast to the Ice Bucket Challenge, we created a striking campaign crafted around the genuine experiences and humbling, real-life scenarios of individuals living with ALS.
CLIENT: ALS Association
PROJECT: “A Harsh Reality”
MEDIA: Film, Digital, Social, PSA
“The Ice Bucket Challenge won two highly coveted Gold Lions at Cannes in 2015. Some may ask, looking back, how much it actually served to educate the public about the topic at hand.”
— Adweek
“My life is lived in my mind. I lay in bed with just my thoughts and my memories. When I dream, I am whole. I am not paralyzed. Amazing how the mind works.”
— David McCain. Living with ALS.